
Welding Suppliers Meet Demand for Generators in Hurricane Dennis' Wake

Some good work being done by the welding industry in the wake of Hurricane Dennis. I hope this helps out anyone who needs it...

APPLETON, Wis., July 18 /PRNewswire/ -- Miller Electric Mfg. Co. today announced that emergency power generators continue to be available at welding supply stores, a source many consumers overlook. Hurricane Dennis left more than 680,000 people in four states without electricity. Utility companies estimate some will be without power for up to three weeks. To find a store with welding generators, call 1-800-426-4553 or visit MillerWelds.com.

Like common stand-alone generators, welding generators are powered by small gasoline engines and have regular 115V and 230V electrical outlets. Used by contractors, farmers/ranchers, maintenance personnel, homeowners and metalworking artists for welding, they also provide 4,500 to 10,000 watts of power for running tools, lights and appliances. Prices are comparable to, or less than, regular generators of similar quality and power.

More Devastation Predicted

"Having a Category 3 hurricane with 120 mph winds strike so early in the year should encourage people to be prepared for more power outages," said John Leisner, Miller product manager. "Even though generators may become scarce in retail stores, we have ensured a sufficient supply of welding generators in anticipation of another rough hurricane season."

Miller recommends considering power needs before purchasing a welding generator. Critical appliances to run during an emergency include well pumps (750 watts), sump pumps (800 watts), refrigerator (700 watts), air conditioners (2,500 watts) and radios (50 to 200). Note that many appliances take much more energy to start than to run. For information on running home appliances and tools, plus a power calculation worksheet and safety instructions, visit MillerWelds.com/products/generators.


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