First U.S. Jury Verdict Linking Asbestos From Welding Rods to Mesothelioma and Lung Cancer Affirmed by New York Appeals Court
Well, the back & forth between trial lawyers and welding industry lawyers continues. The only sure thing is that lawyers will get rich. For the sake of all the guys out there welding, I hope that they're wrong and that the fumes are safe. I really do. But if they aren't, then this is for the better.
NEW YORK, Jan. 9 /PRNewswire/ -- In the second major verdict against the U.S. welding industry in little more than a week, a New York State appeals court on Dec. 29th affirmed the first-ever jury finding that asbestos-containing welding rods, sold in the billions up to the early 1980's, had caused lung cancer and mesothelioma, Attorney Jerome H. Block of the nationally known mass toxic tort law firm of Levy Phillips and Konigsberg, LLP announced.
The New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division, First Department, in a published decision, upheld the July 2003 jury verdict in favor of, Angel Gomez, who died following the trial, and the late Daniel Tucker. Both men worked with and around asbestos-containing welding rods. The jury awarded Gomez a total of approximately $3.19 million against Lincoln Electric Company ("Lincoln"), reduced 25 percent since Gomez was a cigarette smoker. Tucker's estate was awarded a total of approximately $3.5 million split between Lincoln and Hobart Brothers Company ("Hobart").
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NEW YORK, Jan. 9 /PRNewswire/ -- In the second major verdict against the U.S. welding industry in little more than a week, a New York State appeals court on Dec. 29th affirmed the first-ever jury finding that asbestos-containing welding rods, sold in the billions up to the early 1980's, had caused lung cancer and mesothelioma, Attorney Jerome H. Block of the nationally known mass toxic tort law firm of Levy Phillips and Konigsberg, LLP announced.
The New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division, First Department, in a published decision, upheld the July 2003 jury verdict in favor of, Angel Gomez, who died following the trial, and the late Daniel Tucker. Both men worked with and around asbestos-containing welding rods. The jury awarded Gomez a total of approximately $3.19 million against Lincoln Electric Company ("Lincoln"), reduced 25 percent since Gomez was a cigarette smoker. Tucker's estate was awarded a total of approximately $3.5 million split between Lincoln and Hobart Brothers Company ("Hobart").
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