
Sand Shark mechanics keep Al Taqaddum’s engines running

Here again, we can prove that some welding jobs are just more important than others. Ever complain about where you're working, what you're doing? I bet these welders are in a harder place, doing a thankless job, to little thanks. They're putting it on the line, and helping make sure more Americans come home alive....

From providing rescue and firefighting to fuel delivery services, the Sand Sharks of Marine Wing Support Squadron 371 have multiple tasks while deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. One of the most important ones is vehicle maintenance.

“Every mission out here requires vehicles,” said Lance Cpl. Joshua Deblasis, a mechanic and Cleveland native. “We contribute to every operation by fixing vehicles for anyone on base, keeping everyone combat ready.”

The mechanics and welders in the platoon work with a common purpose, to repair Sand Shark vehicles and help any other unit that needs assistance.

Read the entire article over at Military Family Network.


Welders are in demand—how can you ramp up your income?

This morning I opened my local paper to a Business section front-page story about the local and nationwide shortage of skilled welders. One local company said they’d add 30 to 50 more welders if only they could find them. There were plenty of other businesses complaining about the lack of qualified welders.

That’s here in Tulsa, with a world-class welding school, Tulsa Welding School, right in town pumping out welders every year. I can imagine it’s even worse for metal working and manufacturing companies in places without a large welding school.

Does this mean that you can automatically demand more money? No, of course not. But it’s always good to be in a business when there is a shortage of what you do for a living. Ask any nurse over the last few years. They’ll throw money at the right person, but they’ll work you a lot of hours.

So what can you do?

If you have a job, it might not hurt to look around for another one. Look, if you’re in a situation you like with a company you want to work for doing what you want to do, there isn’t necessarily a reason to leave. But if you’re good, and your company values you, there is no reason to not talk about money with them. There also isn’t any reason not to keep your eyes open for a welding job you’ll like better.

If you’re not in a situation you like, what are you waiting for? You’re in the catbird seat. They need you out there if you can handle a welder, if you’re on time and give them a good day’s work.

Get what you’re worth, get a job you don’t mind getting up in the morning to go to.


Arizona Western College offers Welder's Certification Class

Phoenix-area welders wanting to obtain skills education for passage of the American Welding Society code can participate in AWC’s (Arizona Western College) next Welder certification class, starting in August.

The 2-credit course meets Wednesday mornings from 8 a.m. to 8:50 a.m. A lab is held from 9 a.m. to 10:40 a.m.

There is $65 fee for the course in addition to the tuition and textbook. Students will receive specific instructions on materials preparation, electrode selection and application for testing to the AWS D1.1 structural welding code for certification as an all-position certified plate welder using low hydrogen electrodes. Persons enrolled in this class should have already passed Welding 106 or have previous welder education. To receive their welding certification document at the end of the course, students will demonstrate proficiency in welding to this code before an independent welding inspector. Students can also participate in testing modules for passage of the AWS SENSE Level I certification. Successful candidates will be eligible to receive both the code certification card and the AWS SENSE certification.

Interested persons should register IMMEDIATELY for course number WLD-127-001 Welder Cert./Code App. For more information please contact Professor Colton by e-mail at samuel.colton@azwestern.edu or by phone beginning August 8.


Welding Suppliers Meet Demand for Generators in Hurricane Dennis' Wake

Some good work being done by the welding industry in the wake of Hurricane Dennis. I hope this helps out anyone who needs it...

APPLETON, Wis., July 18 /PRNewswire/ -- Miller Electric Mfg. Co. today announced that emergency power generators continue to be available at welding supply stores, a source many consumers overlook. Hurricane Dennis left more than 680,000 people in four states without electricity. Utility companies estimate some will be without power for up to three weeks. To find a store with welding generators, call 1-800-426-4553 or visit MillerWelds.com.

Like common stand-alone generators, welding generators are powered by small gasoline engines and have regular 115V and 230V electrical outlets. Used by contractors, farmers/ranchers, maintenance personnel, homeowners and metalworking artists for welding, they also provide 4,500 to 10,000 watts of power for running tools, lights and appliances. Prices are comparable to, or less than, regular generators of similar quality and power.

More Devastation Predicted

"Having a Category 3 hurricane with 120 mph winds strike so early in the year should encourage people to be prepared for more power outages," said John Leisner, Miller product manager. "Even though generators may become scarce in retail stores, we have ensured a sufficient supply of welding generators in anticipation of another rough hurricane season."

Miller recommends considering power needs before purchasing a welding generator. Critical appliances to run during an emergency include well pumps (750 watts), sump pumps (800 watts), refrigerator (700 watts), air conditioners (2,500 watts) and radios (50 to 200). Note that many appliances take much more energy to start than to run. For information on running home appliances and tools, plus a power calculation worksheet and safety instructions, visit MillerWelds.com/products/generators.


TLC's "Rides" Features Lincoln Electric Welding Equipment

Dontcha just love it when a television show does a fix-up for an already-wealthy celebrity?

Lincoln Precision(R) TIG 275 used for Fabrication Work on Joe Rogan's 1970 Barracuda

CLEVELAND, July 14 /PRNewswire/ -- You've seen Joe Rogan as the host of NBC's Fear Factor tempting contestants to eat insects or perform daring feats of physical endurance. On a recent episode of The Learning Channel's (TLC) Rides show, Rogan himself is the center of attention as his restored 1970 Plymouth Barracuda, called the Sick Fish, is unveiled to him for the very first time.

As part of the show, hot rod designer Chip Foose created the Sick Fish's new design, while Troy Trepanier and the team at Rad Rides by Troy performed the fabrication work on the car. A key piece of equipment used in the process was The Lincoln Electric Company's Precision TIG(TM) 275.

According to Dan Holohan, head fabricator at Rad Rides by Troy, consistency, reliability and ease of use were the primary reasons the Lincoln Precision TIG was chosen for this application. "The arc doesn't dance around at the start like some TIG machines. With the Precision TIG, the arc starts where you point it," said Holohan. "With its MicroStart(TM) Technology, the machine produces a stable, consistent arc that is very controllable. We always look for the best weld we can possibly produce, regardless of whether we will grind the weld or leave it exposed. With this machine, we know we are achieving high quality welds."

Read the rest (and envy Joe's car) here.


NIOSH Seminar Will Discuss Potential Health Effects of Welding

There is an emerging concern within the occupational health community about the potential pulmonary and neurological health effects associated with welding fume exposure.

A seminar offered at West Virginia University in Morgantown, WV, HSC Hostler Auditorium will discuss these issues.

Welders are exposed to fumes that are comprised of metals, such as chromium, nickel, manganese, and iron, which have been observed to be toxic to the lungs and brain. Numerous queries dealing with this arising occupational health issue have been received by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. The proposed conference will address and discuss all aspects welding fume exposure and health.

Following this conference, participants should be able to:

  • understand the various types of welding in order to recognize potential health hazards
  • describe the constituents and composition of welding fumes
  • describe the fate and behavior of substances inhaled from welding
  • discuss the known or suspected adverse pulmonary and neurological effects associated with welding exposures


Making Sure Steam Piping Is Safe - the role of welders

Over at Parmaceutical Processing magazine, they've got a good article about keeping steam piping safe. Lots of welding tips in it - check it out. They call it "10 simple things that might keep you alive."


In Louisiana, Union Tank Car seeks welders for new plant

If you're a welder in the Baton Rouge area, this one's for you...

The Louisiana Department of Labor and Union Tank Car Co. announced Friday that the employment process for job applicants for welder positions at UTC begins Tuesday, June 14. UTC is stressing that only welders are being recruited at this time. Other positions will be announced later.

The Chicago-based company Union Tank Car is building a railroad tank car manufacturing facility and expects to hire 850 workers for a variety of jobs once construction is completed in 2006. Applicants can apply on-line at the labor department Web site www.LAWORKS.net or at any of the department’s One-Stop offices, June 14 through June 30. The One-Stop addresses and phone numbers are listed on the labor department’s Web site.


In Wisconsin, Welding rod suits seek more than $30 million